Monday 19 November 2012

WWE Survivor Series Review

Hey folks.  I just wanted to get on line and share my thoughts on what I thought was a very well executed PPV last night.


The 26th annual Survivor Series was under a lot of pressure to deliver after last year's event saw the in-ring return of The Rock.


This year however used it's current roster and a bunch of up and coming stars to deliver an extremely entertaining show.


Team Foley vs. Team Ziggler delivered a few spots of interest for me.  The first being that the Miz maintained his new face turn.  This could be exactly what he needs to reignite his career.  I have never been a fan of the Awesome one but I am actually very keen to see where he goes from here.  The finish of the match was also a real shocker.  Randy Orton went for his punt on Dolph Ziggler but was countered with a text book super kick by Ziggler to let him make the cover.  In my eyes, this ending really seems to have given Ziggler that extra something that I feel he needs to be a real contender.  A briefcase cash in could be just around the corner.  Also the dark turn by Orton could be a glimpse into what seems to be an inevitable heel turn.

The World Heavyweight Championship match between Sheamus and Big Show was a real surprise for me.  After what was a pretty entertaining match at Hell in a Cell the odds of them repeating the feat seemed pretty long but I have to say they pulled it off.  A good match but it looks like the feud could continue into the next PPV.  I personally don't see Big Show's value anymore.  Shaemus should be champion as he is the future but let's see how it goes.

Finally the triple threat for the WWE title was very strong.  CM Punk, John Cena and Ryback all put in good shifts with Ryback taking a bump through each one of the two commentary tables.  CM Punk made it to 365 days as champion and a number of NXT wrestlers assaulted Ryback.  What a way for a title match to go!!!!  A new angle for Ryback seems the best way to continue his momentum as CM Punk looks more and more likely to be The Rock's Royal Rumble opponent.  A little prediction for you here.  This leaves Cena to win the Rumble and face Rock in a Wrestlemania rematch.

Overall a high quality PPV which I will give a strong 8.5/10

That's all for now!


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