Tuesday 6 November 2012

A look at the WWE today, including John Cena and Ryback

In this edition I am just going to run over a few of the points I have made in previous blogs.  But before that I just want to ask everybody who enjoys reading these blogs to please follow me on Twitter @AngryAndroid83.  If it's good enough for Paul Heyman...

So a few months ago I was running over the woes of WWE's tag team division.  And it would appear that things are on the up.  Since Kane and Daniel Bryan won the tag team titles, a number of teams have come to the fore.  The most exciting of which, in my opinion is the team of Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara.  Sin Cara was struggling to establish himself as a singles star and Rey's act seemed to be getting very tired.  By putting them together Rey seems to have a new lease of life and Sin Cara has an experienced mentor to guide him through his early days in the big leagues.  All that and their matches are extremely entertaining.  Along with the other emerging teams, including the charismatic Prime Time Players and Rhodes Scholars the WWE tag team division is quickly turning into one of the high spots of their shows.
Ryback has certainly been on a role since he destroyed the set of Miz TV.  A bigger run than anyone saw coming.  After being dropped into the Hell in a Cell main event due to John Cena's injury, Ryback now finds himself in the top story lines and with another main event slot at Survivor Series as he and Cena challenge CM Punk for his championship.  Only time will tell if Ryback's run at the top will last but it makes for interesting viewing as "Road to Wrestlemania" season is just around the corner.  With a number of big names set to return for this, such as Rock and Lesnar, where will Ryback fit in?  How about Cyborg vs. Dead man?....
I'm still not sure where John Cena is heading.  He is now back in title contention but, for the first time I can remember, it is hard to see him winning it.  Apparently it was Cena who confronted Vince McMahon in front of the rest of the roster backstage and told him how the company had to change.  This doesn't seem to be effecting his place within the company but a return match against The Rock may be the only thing that is saving him from the Chairman's wrath.
Anyway, there does seem to be some transition within the company and as wrestling fans, let's hope its all for the good of the show. 
P.s.  Can anyone tell me what was with the TNA style show opening of Raw this week?  That's them stole two things in as many weeks (AJ affair)!

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