Friday 11 December 2015

Roman Reigns we hardly knew Ye!

I just realized today that it's been about 2 weeks since I last viewed any wrestling from WWE and to be honest I'm not all that bothered.  I still listen to podcasts and peruse the wrestling news websites so I have a general understanding of whats going on with the current storylines and who is set to fight at TLC this weekend.  Usually if this were the case I'd make sure I had at least watched the go-home Raw before watching a PPV but I'm not going to bother as I don't have time and I will just go ahead and watch TLC anyway.

The reason I don't feel the need to watch the shows before the PPV is because I don't feel I'm missing out on anything.  I know the matches that are on the card and that in 6 months time no one will remember or care what the stories were that got them there.  I'd actually not be surprised if no-one cared this time next month and here is my fear of why that is..... Wrestlemania Season Magul!

So next month sees the Royal Rumble.  This has always been my favourite PPV of the year however the last few years it has left a bitter taste in the mouth.  Now unlike most people I wasn't all that bothered that Daniel Bryan didn't win in 2014 or 2015 but I wasn't a big fan of how either one went down.  Both years the winner was virtually announced before the event even took place in Batista and then Roman Reigns and the reaction of the fans kind of soured the whole thing.  Rather than build the superstars up beforehand WWE now seem intent on using the period between the Rumble and Wrestlemania to sell the legitimacy of their main event.

I can understand why WWE were naive when it came to Batista as he had been in that position before but having been away for 4 years it required a bigger build up.  Roman Reigns was completely untested before winning the Rumble last year and the fans simply resented WWE for assuming they should care.

WWE needs to start using the full twelve months to build superstars' momentum so that by the time the road to Wrestlemania is upon us we are already at full speed.  The company needs to start playing to the best of their ability for the whole season not just holding off 'til the Play-offs.

Thanks for reading!


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