Sunday 30 June 2013

Still The Game...

Okay, so in my last article I ripped on Triple H pretty heavily but I have to say, over the past few weeks, I am really starting to enjoy his on-air contributions.

So what is the reason for this U-turn?  Well it has to probably be the refreshing commitment Triple H has shown since Wrestlemania.  For the past few years, The Game has appeared for a few weeks before his big match, hyped it up, then as soon as the match is done it's "Goodbye Game"!  This has been far from the case however, since Wrestlemania.

With the absence of CM Punk, WWE needed a real big name to keep the star power in their shows and Triple H has not disappointed.  After a high calibre match with Brock Lesnar at extreme rules, there is no sign of Triple H moving back behind the desk...

In fact Triple H's on screen persona has actually embraced the role of executive, which actually seems to sit a bit more easy as it is common knowledge to most fans, what his position is within WWE.  It has to be said, the on-screen power struggle between he and Vince McMahon has made for pretty entertaining viewing.  The stop-start scenario involving Curtis Axle actually reminded me of an Attitude era angel in it's unpredictable and bizarre nature.

Hopefully Triple H will take on this "TV boss" role full time.  He seems to be the only thing that is saving the Vickie Guerrero/Brad Maddox segments.  In the meantime, it will be interesting to see where the McMahon/Helmsley battle for supremacy goes.  It also seems to be giving new life to Vince.  For old-school fans like me this is what I like to see and it gets me asking the old "How much of this is real?".  For that I thank Triple H.  Keep it up, Game!


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