Friday 18 October 2013

Is CM Punk stalling?

Wrestlemania 29 saw the culmination of the hottest period in CM Punks career.  This all started 3 weeks before the Money in the Bank pay-per-view 2011 when punk made his famous "Best in the World" shoot, live on Raw.  It lead to the biggest win in his a career as he defeated John Cena in the main event of MITB for the WWE Championship, in his home town of Chicago. 

After this CM Punk would become a 2 time WWE Champion and have the longest title reign in modern history.  During this time CM punk did battle with Cena, Chris Jericho and The Rock, amongst others.  It would also see him join forces with his long time real life supporter Paul Heyman, creating a villainous and highly entertaining double act.  After 434 days as WWE Champion, Punk lost his title to The Rock.  This was not the end for Punk however.  His next challenge was to beat the illustrious streak of the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.  He failed.

After Wrestlemania CM Punk took some time off.  Punk returned to action on June 16th at WWE Payback in a successful outing against Chris Jericho.  After telling Paul Heyman he no longer wanted him to accompany Punk to the ring, a furious Heyman turned on Punk and set the Beast Brock Lesnar on him which created a red hot feud that lasted right through the summer, culminating with a classic encounter with Lesnar at Summerslam.  Despite losing, the match did CM Punk a world of good but really should have ended the feud with Heyman.  This is where the wheels start to come off.

Since Summerslam, Punk has had a handicap match with Heyman and his protege Curtis Axel which ended with the bore fest that is Ryback driving Punk through a table allowing Heyman to pick up the win.  This resulted in a Punk vs Ryback match at the next pay-per-view, Battleground.  This was one of the most unconvincing performances by Punk since his return in June.  So bad in fact that neither man used their signature finisher and the finish came after CM Punk delivered a low-blow behind the referee's back. A 1998 finish if ever I saw one.

The problem is that every opponent that Punk has faced since Lesnar, seems to have less heat with the fans.  This is resulting in CM Punk's momentum being considerably decreased.  If WWE don't finish this Heyman feud soon Punk will find himself in the same position he was at Wrestlemania 27.  Stealing the show but not the title....



Sunday 30 June 2013

Still The Game...

Okay, so in my last article I ripped on Triple H pretty heavily but I have to say, over the past few weeks, I am really starting to enjoy his on-air contributions.

So what is the reason for this U-turn?  Well it has to probably be the refreshing commitment Triple H has shown since Wrestlemania.  For the past few years, The Game has appeared for a few weeks before his big match, hyped it up, then as soon as the match is done it's "Goodbye Game"!  This has been far from the case however, since Wrestlemania.

With the absence of CM Punk, WWE needed a real big name to keep the star power in their shows and Triple H has not disappointed.  After a high calibre match with Brock Lesnar at extreme rules, there is no sign of Triple H moving back behind the desk...

In fact Triple H's on screen persona has actually embraced the role of executive, which actually seems to sit a bit more easy as it is common knowledge to most fans, what his position is within WWE.  It has to be said, the on-screen power struggle between he and Vince McMahon has made for pretty entertaining viewing.  The stop-start scenario involving Curtis Axle actually reminded me of an Attitude era angel in it's unpredictable and bizarre nature.

Hopefully Triple H will take on this "TV boss" role full time.  He seems to be the only thing that is saving the Vickie Guerrero/Brad Maddox segments.  In the meantime, it will be interesting to see where the McMahon/Helmsley battle for supremacy goes.  It also seems to be giving new life to Vince.  For old-school fans like me this is what I like to see and it gets me asking the old "How much of this is real?".  For that I thank Triple H.  Keep it up, Game!


Friday 12 April 2013

Did WWE Wrestlemania 29 matter?

So another Wrestlemania has come and gone.  But has anything actually changed after the biggest event in the pro wrestling calender?

In years gone by Wrestlemania was seen as the showcase to create new top level superstars but it has to be said that this years event hasn't really done that.

When I first started watching WWE in the early 90s the main event of Wrestlemania was usually the crowning moment of the new top star.  At Wrestlemania X it was Bret Hart, at Wrestlemania XII it was Shawn Micheals and at Wrestlemania XIV it was none other than Stone Cold Steve Austin.  The past two Wrestlemania main events have both been Rock vs. Cena.  Two men who have already achieved top level stardom.  So what was the point?

The first Rock vs. Cena match was something that did benefit the WWE.  It was as big as Hogan vs. Rock in 2002 and created great interest in WWE around the world and in mainstream media.  However it has to be said that this year's main event had no real benefit to the company.  Cena's victory does not move him up the ranks of WWE because he is already their top guy.  If WWE had put any other superstar against The Rock or Cena, a victory for that superstar could have put them to the forefront. Someone like Ryback or Jack Swagger could really benefit from this.

WWE had enough big names at this years Mania to have pushed some new stars.  Instead, we got three main event level matches where all six men competing were already established stars.  The results of Undertaker vs. Punk, Lesnar vs. HHH and Rock vs. Cena are almost irrelevant when it comes to the long term future of the company.

We shall see what stars will rise to the top over the coming months but it looks like WWE missed a trick this year.


Thursday 28 February 2013

An Alternate WWE Wrestlemania 29

Greetings readers!

If you read my last article you would be aware of my predictions for Wrestlemania 29.  Predictions, that to be quite honest, were the easiest to make in years.  After Cena defeated CM Punk in what was an outstanding main event on Raw (25 February) pretty much everything I thought has been confirmed.  However this blog is not about what is going to happen but what should have happened.  Here is my opinion on what could have made an unpredictable and exciting Wrestlemania....

Instead of John Cena winning the Royal Rumble match, Ryback should have been given the nod.  This would automatically push him to the very top and create a new star, which the WWE needs.  At WM29 he could have challenged the Big Show for the World Heavyweight Championship.  With Ryback's outstanding strength, he could have won the title in spectacular fashion.  A memorable title match and a new star created....

Brock Lesnar could have interfered in The Rock's WWE title match at the Royal Rumble.  This would lead to the Brock vs. Rock match that has been talked about since the former UFC's return last April.  It is also a rematch that has been ten years in the making.  It also saves us from a repeat of the "flop of a lifetime" match between Rock and Cena.  Okay it wasn't that bad but I know which I would rather see....

In my opinion the CM Punk vs. Undertaker match could still go ahead but with Lesnar's interference at the Rumble, Punk would still be champion.  A title vs. streak match could make for the ultimate Main Event.  The other option would be to pit the Deadman against John Cena.  Whatever you think the match may look like it would like, the last thing it would be is predictable.

Anyway they were just a few ideas I wanted to throw out there.  Hope you enjoyed reading them, and maybe it got you thinking.

Enjoy Wrestlemania peeps!


Tuesday 19 February 2013

WWE Wrestlemania 29 Predictions

Okay so here we are.  Wrestlemania 29 is just around the corner.  However this year's matches seem more predictable than ever before. In fact I have dubbed this year's the event Predict-a-mania.

Firstly we have The Rock versus John Cena Part 2.  Last year this was dubbed the biggest match of all time and Cena lost.  The chances of him losing two years in a row to Rock seem very slim especially considering this time it is for the WWE Championship. After all, the chances of The Rock holding the championship till late April seem very slim indeed considering he is a major Hollywood star with a tough schedule. Sadly... Cena wins.

The next big match looks like being Brock Lesnar versus Triple H.  This is the rematch from Summerslam last year and a chance for triple h to have his revenge.  It is also most likely the Game's last Wrestlemania appearance, therefore the chances of him losing seem very very slim indeed, despite Brock being the younger faster stronger man. Triple H wins.

Next up, Alberto Del Rio defends the World Heavyweight Championship against Jack Swagger.  This match is not as cut and dry as the others.  However it seems unlikely the champion will retain looking at the buildup that Jack has had with his new look and new manager. Del Rio was rushed into the title picture and it seems the perfect platform that the WWE needs to propel swagger to where they want him. Probably a Swagger victory.

Finally the rumour is CM Punk versus the Undertaker. CM Punk is without a title with only pride to fight for.  It seems like the undertaker's streak will remain in tact as this may be his last ever. If the match happens then it will no doubt be a CM Punk loss.

I hope WWE surprises me and that I'm wrong.  Let's just wait and see...

Next time I will go over what I think should be happening at Wrestlemania.


Tuesday 8 January 2013

Best Of WWE 2012

Hey folks thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoy.

Today, as we are now into 2013 I am going to give my verdict on the top performances of 2012 in WWE.

Top Feud - The Rock and John Cena

There really can't be another winner for this one.  It was a year long which is rare in these days. This feud saw the greatest amount of interest in WWE for years.  The Rock, representing old school attitude and Cena representing today's era.  It also seemed to be genuinely personal at times which made the chemistry all the better to watch whilst the two were cutting promos on each other. Whether the match its self at Wrestlemania 28 lived up to the hype is another question but this was one of those times where the fans had to pick a side.  Whatever side you were on it made compelling television.  The WWE may never see another feud like it.

Best Match - Triple H vs. Undertaker Hell in a Cell, Wrestlemania 28

This was an extremely tough one to call.  WWE put on several top matches this year but for me this classic just had to edge it.  It had everything; it was a big time rematch from a year previous where Triple H had come so close to victory but ultimately could not overcome the Dead Man.  It was also for the Streak, the Undertaker's 19 match unbeaten run at Wrestlemania.  And it was personal; special guest referee Shawn Michaels was retired by the Undertaker in 2010 and is Triple H's best friend.  Combine all those elements and put them in side a solid steel cell and these veterans were not going to let us down.  The match had several memorable moments including an unimaginable kick out from Taker after an HBK superkick then a pedigree from The Game.  In the end the Undertaker was victorious and the scene with the three men embracing at the top of the ramp and J.R.'s commentary capped this off as WWE's best match of the year.

Best Story - Kane and Daniel Bryan Unite!

This for me was must see TV.  Starting with the AJ love triangle, Daniel Bryan and Kane instantly were fun to watch.  However, when both were forced to face their anger management issues they were unstoppable, culminating in the two sworn enemies becoming tag team partners and then champions!  Arguably, they are the reason that the tag team division has become relevant again.  What will 2013 bring for the most popular tag team in WWE?

Best Superstar - CM Punk

By default Punk has to win this.  Anyone who holds the WWE title for a full calender year is the best.  Every match, every promo and every feud has been solid.  A heel turn, a love triangle and an injury; CM Punk has taken them all in his stride.  Most importantly, he has made the championship mean something again.  Now whoever beats him for that title will be a big deal.  However Punk stated on Raw that he will be champion in 2014 too.  Going on who he has beaten so far during his reign, it is hard to argue with him...

Hope you agree with some of these.  Any comments then drop me a line on Twitter @AngryAndroid83. Paul Heyman has!