Monday 27 August 2012

Where is pro wrestling in 2012?

So here we are.  One week removed from Summerslam and I am thinking "What is the future of pro wrestling?" and (excuse the pun) I have two words for you.... Daniel Bryan.

Now I know many of you may be thinking that this guy has already been to the top.  After all he has main evented pay-per-views and held the World Heavyweight Championship.  Fair enough but the point I am about to make is not based on his credentials but on what he can do for the industry as a whole.

Now I am about to mention Stone Cold Steve Austin but before I do I want to make sure you all know I am not comparing he and Bryan in terms of look, character or ability. 

When Austin entered the then World Wrestling Federation in 95/96 (forgive me, I can't remember the exact date) as the rather underwhealming Ringmaster no one really took much notice.  And even when Stone Cold was first created the public reaction was not exactly compelling evidence that this would be the man to lead the next revolution in Sports Entertainment.  People were more concerned with there established favourites at the time such as Bret Hart, Undertaker and Shawn Michaels.  Much like Bryan finds himself behind Cena, CM Punk and Sheamus today.  I know this beacause I was one of those people who didn't pay much attention to Stone Cold in those early years.  But as Austins character began to grow and become larger the fan reaction became more boyant towards him.  In the end Vince McMahon could no longer ignore the fans reaction to Stone Cold and in turn gave him the ball.  He ran with it. The rest is history.

Ladies and gentleman, I draw your attention to the August 13th edition of Monday Night Raw.  One week before Summerslam where WWE Champion CM Punk would defend the title against Big Show and John Cena.  The opening bout was a match between CM Punk and Show.  A huge match with two of the major players in the title scene.  The match was going well when from nowhere, Daniel Bryan's entrance music hit.  Now this was most unusual because he had nothing to do with this match or storyline.  And this is where it reminded me of Austin.  Rather than get confused the crowd just roled with it, greeting Bryan with a pop as loud as any of The Rock's over the last year.  The reason for his arrival?  Simply to complain about not being in the Summerslam main event.  See, the crowd don't care why he is out there, they just want to see Bryan do his thing. Let him loose on the mic and let the Yes chants continue to flow.  Oh, and the guy aint half bad in the ring either.  D Bryan has the tools and, for a while now, the backing of the crowd.  Yes he is a heel but let's face it, he is probably getting a bigger reaction than most of the faces at the moment.

I was glad to see Bryan pick up the win over an ageless Kane at Summerslam.  The office will have to start listening soon.  Daniel Bryan is waiting for that ball.  Do I think he can run with it?  YES YES YES!!!


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