Monday 4 June 2018

Monday Night Rollins

Could it be any more obvious? Seth Rollins has to be THE man in WWE right now. It seems obvious to me. Obvious to the crowd. And obvious to the people watching at home. Unfortunately it does not seem obvious to the boys at WWE creative.

I've done enough bad mouthing of Roman in my blogs so I'm not going down that route again but it seems they are intent on making Seth play second fiddle to him. But just imagine what WWE could have if they put the full marketing juggernaut behind him. They could have another HBK on their hands. Both in popularity and in talent. 

Seth's last few PPV matches have been stonewall show-stealers. His triple threat ladder match with The Miz and Finn Balor at Wrestlemania was the perfect opener to the show and his intercontinental title defence against Miz was the only highlight of an otherwise miserable show.

The same can be said of Shawn Michaels in the mid 90s. If it wasn't for some of his matches the company as a whole could have swept away by WCW. Today WWE doesn't have to worry about competition but they do realise that they still need a top guy. That's why they keep pushing Roman. 

Well the top guy is already here. Seth can work the crowd, cut a promo and sell a t-shirt. Just give him the ball!