Tuesday 8 January 2013

Best Of WWE 2012

Hey folks thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoy.

Today, as we are now into 2013 I am going to give my verdict on the top performances of 2012 in WWE.

Top Feud - The Rock and John Cena

There really can't be another winner for this one.  It was a year long which is rare in these days. This feud saw the greatest amount of interest in WWE for years.  The Rock, representing old school attitude and Cena representing today's era.  It also seemed to be genuinely personal at times which made the chemistry all the better to watch whilst the two were cutting promos on each other. Whether the match its self at Wrestlemania 28 lived up to the hype is another question but this was one of those times where the fans had to pick a side.  Whatever side you were on it made compelling television.  The WWE may never see another feud like it.

Best Match - Triple H vs. Undertaker Hell in a Cell, Wrestlemania 28

This was an extremely tough one to call.  WWE put on several top matches this year but for me this classic just had to edge it.  It had everything; it was a big time rematch from a year previous where Triple H had come so close to victory but ultimately could not overcome the Dead Man.  It was also for the Streak, the Undertaker's 19 match unbeaten run at Wrestlemania.  And it was personal; special guest referee Shawn Michaels was retired by the Undertaker in 2010 and is Triple H's best friend.  Combine all those elements and put them in side a solid steel cell and these veterans were not going to let us down.  The match had several memorable moments including an unimaginable kick out from Taker after an HBK superkick then a pedigree from The Game.  In the end the Undertaker was victorious and the scene with the three men embracing at the top of the ramp and J.R.'s commentary capped this off as WWE's best match of the year.

Best Story - Kane and Daniel Bryan Unite!

This for me was must see TV.  Starting with the AJ love triangle, Daniel Bryan and Kane instantly were fun to watch.  However, when both were forced to face their anger management issues they were unstoppable, culminating in the two sworn enemies becoming tag team partners and then champions!  Arguably, they are the reason that the tag team division has become relevant again.  What will 2013 bring for the most popular tag team in WWE?

Best Superstar - CM Punk

By default Punk has to win this.  Anyone who holds the WWE title for a full calender year is the best.  Every match, every promo and every feud has been solid.  A heel turn, a love triangle and an injury; CM Punk has taken them all in his stride.  Most importantly, he has made the championship mean something again.  Now whoever beats him for that title will be a big deal.  However Punk stated on Raw that he will be champion in 2014 too.  Going on who he has beaten so far during his reign, it is hard to argue with him...

Hope you agree with some of these.  Any comments then drop me a line on Twitter @AngryAndroid83. Paul Heyman has!